The service sector, also called the tertiary sector, groups together a large number of industry sub-sectors. The singularity of the services sector is its intangibility dimension. Unlike other sectors, it is often difficult, even impossible, to see or touch what is offered to customers, be they consumers or other businesses. Thus, more than any other, the service sector depends in large part on its intellectual property. A qualified workforce constitutes its other principal asset.
The success of the business models used by firms in this sector requires solid protection of trademarks, of business concepts, of expertise and knowledge and of the tools enabling their implementation. These forms of protection include employment agreements covering copyrights, confidentiality of information, non-competing, etc.
Force-Legal has a highly experienced team of lawyers specializing in business law that offers top-level legal accompaniment oriented to your commercial reality. We are focused on your business, and this is why we accompany you through all the stages of your business’s life cycle.
Our team of lawyers is committed to providing you with valuable advice, as well as legal services, including:
Whatever your area of activities, one of our lawyers can meet all your needs regarding the services sector. Contact us today!